Monday, May 2, 2011

Mon May 2 Air sur l'Ardour to Arzacq de Arr (something)

Jean-Marie et Marie-Therese - Grenoble, France

Arzacq -Arraziquet (not even the French people can pronounce or spell this town's name)

As lovely, easy and euphoric as yesterday was, today was as tedious and tough. It started out promising with an overcast sky but a lovely walk around a lake with the hovering mist just dancing over the water and fishrods set into the banks of the river by the early morning fishermen. We had about thirty kilometres along easy terrain but it was a lot of road walking and my boots were just pinching my toes the entire day. Should have been faithful to my old boots.
As the clouds burned off and the sun got hotter so did the feet. Wearily and oh so gratefully, we got to our gite in mid afternoon. The next four days are all over 30kms so it's looking a little scary for me and my tender toes.

We walked a lot with a lovely couple from Grenoble. Marie-Therese is a very fast intense walker and just as intense helping me with my French. Like a drill sargeant she made me repeat things over and over again. Teaching languages was her pre-retirement job. And she must have been good. At one point this morning, Marie Therese suddenly stopped, threw her arms out open wide and joyously exclaimed ¨just think; three weeks ago today I was in hospital¨. She has been battling cancer for three years and now her she is walking the camino to Ronceveaux - and we can't keep up with her. What an inspiration!

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